
White chocolate panna cotta & blueberry sauce

Oh well, reducing sugar, yeah that´s still the plan, however I did not fail…not yet. Panna cotta is one of those desserts that fall into the same category as cheesecake. It is just not my cup of tea but I love to prepare it for others. Ok, I must confess there was a cheesecake that I could not resist and will not forget - ever. But that is a kind of once in a lifetime experience. I was lucky to enjoy a cheesecake created by Massimo Bottura - oh my…what an unforgettable experience. But back to the panna cotta, that is truly a joker dessert, I mean really - preparation does not take longer than 15 minutes. Nah, trust me it is possible, even with the blueberry sauce. I am cleaning out my freezer and I had still half a bag of frozen small blueberries so it seemed that panna cotta is the right thing for those.



For the panna cotta
250 ml heavy cream
75 ml milk
50 g white chocolate
1 vanilla pod
15 g sugar
2 gelatin sheets

For the blueberry sauce
200 g blueberries
1 tablespoon sugar
zest & juice of a lime
pinch of cinnamon
1 teaspoon cornstarch

1. Heat heavy cream and milk together with the vanilla pod and seeds over low heat.
2. Before it reaches the boiling point set aside and let it stand for 5 minutes.
3. Remove the vanilla pod, sieve if necessary and put it back to the still warm stove.
4. Add sugar and chopped white chocolate and mix until it is well incorporated.
5. Stir in the previously soaked gelatin and pour the mixture into glasses.
6. Let it cool and chill for about 5 hours in the fridge.
7. Bring blueberries with sugar, zest and juice of a lime and cinnamon to the boil.
8. Dissolve cornstarch in 3 tablespoons of water and stir into the sauce.
9. Let it boil for a few minutes to reduce.



A panna cottához
250 ml tejszín
75 ml tej
50 g fehér csokoládé
1 rúd vanília
15 g cukor
2 lap zselatin

Az áfonyaszószhoz
200 g áfonya
1 evőkanál cukor
zöldcitrom leve és héja
csipet fahéj
1 teáskanál kukoricakeményítő

1. Melegítsük fel a tejszínt a tejjel és a vaníliával és kikapart magjával alacsony hőmérsékleten.
2. Mielőtt forrni kezdene vegyük le tűzhelyről és hagyjuk állni 5 percen keresztül.
3. Vegyük ki a vaníliát, ha szükséges szűrjük le, majd tegyük vissza a még meleg tűzhelyre.
4. Adjuk hozzá a cukrot, a feldarabolt fehér csokoládét és keverjük, míg elolvad.
5. Keverjük bele az előzőleg beáztatott zselatint. Öntsük poharakba és hagyjuk kihűlni.
6. Rakjuk a hűtőbe kb. 5 órára.
7. Főzzük fel az áfonyát a többi hozzávalóval.
8. Keverjük simára a kukoricakeményítőt kb. 3 evőkanál vízzel és keverjük az áfonyához.
9. Főzzük amíg besűrűsödik.


Plum dumplings

I believe there are dishes that should be prepared the way our grandmothers and their grandmothers did. Plum dumplings fall for sure in this category. As a child I never ate the plum, only the dough with loads of sugar. Not to mention that I never even wanted to try it with  breadcrumbs, so I always asked for ground nuts or shredded coconut, however meanwhile I am huge fan of the breadcrumbs! Of course it is also delicious if you coat it in coconut flakes, ground almond, pistachio or even poppy seeds but believe me, nothing can beat the original. You can trust me, I have tried them all! So let us stick to the tradition and heat up a saucepan for breadcrumbs. Unfortunately, the plums I used were too big for the dumplings, make sure you can put your hands on some small ones, then you are even able to put a whole plum into a dumpling and still end up with nice small balls. Although, I want to cut on eating sweets, I simply could not resist the thought of the juicy plum with cinnamon and the plump potato dough sprinkled with an extra load of cinnamon sugar. Heavenly! After all the season is almost over so hurry up if you want to enjoy this treat.



500 g floury potato
150-200 g flour (depends how much the potato needs)
pinch of salt
1 tablespoon semolina
1 tablespoon sunflower oil
1 egg
10-15 plums (depending on the size)

1. Cook potatoes until soft, then drain and peel. Press potatoes through a potato ricer and let it cool.
2. Add sifted flour, salt, semolina, egg, oil and knead gently till all is blended.
3. On a floured surface, roll dough out, not ticker than a finger. Cut dough into squares and put a with sugar and cinnamon filled plum into center of each square. Fold corners to the middle and roll the dumpling in your hands till round.
4. Cook a few dumplings at a time in salted hot water (do not boil!) for about 10 minutes until they swim on top.
5. In a large skillet melt butter and brown breadcrumbs.
6. Using a slotted spoon remove dumplings and coat in breadcrumbs. Serve warm with cinnamon icing sugar.



500 g lisztes burgonya
150-200 g liszt (amennyit a burgonya felvesz)
csipet só
1 evőkanál gríz
1 evőkanál napraforgóolaj
1 tojás
10-15 szilva (mérettől függően)

1. Főzzük meg a burgonyát, hámozzuk meg majd nyomjuk át krumplinyomón és hagyjuk kihűlni.
2. Adjuk hozzá a lisztet, sót, grízt, tojást, olajat és gyúrjuk simára.
3. Lisztezett deszkán nyújtsuk ki, kb. egy ujjnyi vastagra és vágjuk négyzetekre. Mindegyik négyzet közepére rakjunk egy fahéjas cukorral töltött szilvát majd formázzuk gombócot.
4. Éppen csak gyöngyöző vízben főzzük kb. 10 percig vagy míg feljön a víz tetejére.
5. Egy serpenyőben pirítsuk meg a zsemlemorzsát vajban.
6. Forgassuk a gombócokat a morzsába és tálaljuk fahéjas cukorral.


Plum custard tart

Plums are perfectly ripe and fragrant righ now. I was lucky enough to get some plums right from the tree and now I am dreaming about dumplings with loads of cinnamon sugar and juicy plum inside. Oh, so so so soooo good! That was the Hungarian girl inside me craving this childhood favorite. However, today I would like to share a Swiss speciality called wähe, what you actually pronounce "wäye" and it is a custard tart. And when it comes to plums cinnamon sugar is a must - at least if you ask me.



(For 26-28 cm tart form)

For the shortcrust pastry:
250 g flour
100 g butter, softened
100 g icing sugar
2 eggs
pinch of salt

1. Sift flour into a bowl, then pour it onto a working surface and make a well.
2. Add icing sugar, butter and salt. Mix together with your fingertips until it becomes slightly grainy.
3. Make a well again and add the eggs. Work it together with the flour mixture, until the dough begins to get together. Knead it quickly together so you get a smooth dough.
4. Form a ball, wrap in plastic wrap and chill for at least 2 hours before using. After that roll out and cover baking form with the pastry and chill for 15 minutes before proceeding.

For the filling:
about 20-25 plums
200 ml heavy cream
2 eggs
2 teaspoon cornstarch
icing sugar
ground hazelnut or almond

1. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
2. Cut plums in half, remove the stone and sprinkle with 1-2 tablespoons cinnamon-icing sugar and mix well.
3. Whisk together heavy cream, eggs and cornstarch.
4. Put halved plums on the chilled pastry and pour heavy cream mixture on top.
5. Bake for 20-25 minutes and serve lukewarm or cold.



(26-28 cm-es formához)

A tésztához:
250 g liszt
100 g vaj, puha
100 g porcukor
2 tojás
csipet só

1. Szitáljuk le a lisztet, majd öntsük egy táblára és szitáljuk a közepébe a porcukrot, a sót és a kockára vágott vajat is tegyük bele.
2. Az ujjhegyeinkkel morzsoljuk szét a vajat a cukorral, majd amint morzsás lesz adjuk hozzá a tojásokat és gyúrjuk simára.
3. Tegyük legalább 2 órára a hűtőbe. Ezután kinyújtuk és kibéleljük vele a formát, majd 15 percre a hűtőbe tesszük.

A töltelékhez:
kb. 20-25 szilva
200 ml tejszín
2 tojás
2 teáskanál kukoricakeményítő
őrölt mogyoró vagy mandula

1. Melegítsük elő a sütőt 180°C-ra.
2. Vágjuk félbe a szilvákat, magozzuk ki és szórjuk meg 1-2 evőkanál fahéjas porcukorral.
3. Keverjük simára a tejszínt tojásokkal és a kukoricakeményítővel.
4. Rakjuk a szilvát a tésztára és öntsük rá a tejszínes keveréket.
5. Süssük 20-25 percig majd tálaljuk langyosan vagy hidegen.
