
Quinoa & cauliflower patties

My herb garden is really amazing at the moment, although autumn has just arrived and all summer long almost hardly anything was growing. Not to mention that every attempt with rosemary has failed this season, yet the sage is beautiful. I am so looking forward to the first pumpkin soup served with fragrant fried sage leaves. Autumn is just beautiful and those colors - breathtaking! In these healthy and light quinoa patties I used a lot of fresh herbs. It is really up to you, play with those aromatic leaves as you feel like. I added mint, parsley, tarragon and basil this time as I just could not decide what to pick. Indeed herbs give these patties a nice kick and thanks to the cauliflower it is has a wonderful creamy core. Serve with any kind of salad you fancy. I must mention that this lovely chioggia beet in the salad has grown on my balcony!



150 g quinoa
250 g cauliflower
100 g spinach
1 onion
3 egg whites
2-3 tablespoons cornstarch
bunch of mixed fresh herbs
small knob of butter
olive oil for brushing

1. Cook quinoa in salted water or some vegetable/chicken broth.
2. Cut cauliflower in florets and pulse in a food processor until you have coarse crumbs.
3. Sautée onion in some butter and spinach and mix until spinach is wilted, season.
4. Mix together all the ingredients, add chopped herbs and season with salt and pepper.
5. Form patties with the help of a dessert ring or by your hands.
6. Preheat the oven to 200°C.
7. Brush patties with oil and bake for 10-15 minutes.



150 g quinoa
250 g karfiol
100 g spenót
1 hagyma
3 tojásfehérje
2-3 evőkanál kukoricakeményítő
1 csokor fűszernövény (petrezselyem, bazsalikom, menta és tárkony keveréke)
kis darab vaj
olívaolaj a kenéshez


1. Főzzük meg a quinoát sós vízben vagy zöldség-/szárnyas alaplében, akár maradék húslevesben.
2. Vágjuk darabokra a karfiolt és aprítsuk durvább morzsákra konyhai gép segítségével.
3. Vajban pároljuk üvegesre a kockára vágott hagymát, keverjük hozzá a spenótot, majd ízesítsük sóval, borssal.
4. Keverjünk össze minden hozzávalót, adjuk hozzá a finomra vágott fűszernövényeket és ízesítsük sóval, és borssal.
5. Formázzuk meg a kezünk vagy desszertgyűrű segítségével.
6. Melegítsük elő a sütőt 200°C-ra.
7. Kenjük meg a olívaolajjal és süssük 10-15 percig.


Chocolate brownies

Honestly, it is impossible to resist these gooey chocolate brownies. I mean how could you? It is so rich that even though I often play with the idea to add some nuts, I never do. But I definitely think that some pecan nuts would be amazing. This brownie is your best friend on rainy day and if want or not autumn is just around the corner so save this recipe for a cold weekend, it is going to comfort you, I promise.



(Baking form 31x28x7 cm)

300 g dark chocolate (at least 50% cocoa)
300 g butter
5 eggs
250 g sugar
150 g flour
50 g cocoa powder
1 teaspoon salt

1. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Line baking form with baking paper.
2. Melt butter and chocolate in a heatproof bowl in water bath.
3. Beat eggs with sugar until pale yellow and fluffy, then whisk in melted chocolate mixture.
4. Sift flour, cocoa and salt onto the mixture and combine.
5. Pour mixture into the baking form and bake for 20-25 minutes depending on the oven. Let it cool completely before slicing.



(Sütőforma kb. 31x28x7 cm)

300 g étcsokoládé (legalább 50% kakaótartalom)
300 g vaj
5 tojás
250 g cukor
150 g liszt
50 g kakaópor
1 teáskanál só

1. Melegtítsük elő a sütőt 180°C-ra. Béleljük ki sütőpapírral a formát.
2. Gőz felett olvasszuk fel a vajat és a csokoládét.
3. Verjük a tojásokat a cukorral habosra majd keverjük hozzá az olvasztott csokoládét.
4. Szitáljuk bele a lisztet, kakaót és a sót és keverjük simára.
5. Öntsük a keveréket a formába és süssük 20-25  percig. Hagyjuk teljesen kihűlni mielőtt felvágjuk.



Baked Blueberry & Lime ice cream

Raise your hands if you are suffering from this unbelievable heat wave. You might not fancy the idea to turn on the oven, yet to make this ice cream,  that is a true reward and going to comfort and cool you down, there is no way around. I often brag about baking bluberries - but hey it indeed does make a big difference and opens a new dimension, especially if you add some spices like cinnamon, clove or even a mixture. Just a tiny pinch, really.



(Yields 8 )

For the baked blueberries:
1/2 cup blueberries
1 tablespoon cane sugar
1/4 teaspoon speculoos spice mixture

1. Preheat the oven to 150°C.
2. Mix blueberries with sugar and the speculoos spice mixture and bake for 10-15 minutes.
3. Let it cool and puree in a blender.

For the lime ice cream:
1/2 cup + 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
4 egg yolks
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup heavy cream, chilled

1. Bring water in a medium pot to the boil. In the meantime put egg yolks, sugar and lime juice and zest to a heatproof bowl.
2. Put bowl above the boiling water and with the help of an electric mixer whisk everything together.
3. Keep on whisking until it gets fluffy and thick. It takes about 15 minutes.
4. Remove bowl from the water bath.
5. Beat chilled heavy cream until stiff and fold into the previously prepared cream.
6. Add blueberry puree to the lime ice cream base and give it a stir or two in order to
create a marbled structure.
7. Pour mixture into forms and freeze for at least 4 hours.



(8 darabhoz)

A sült áfonyához:
250 g áfonya
1 evőkanál nádcukor
1/4 teáskanál spekulatius fűszerkeverék

1. Melegítsük elő a sütőt 150°C-ra.
2. Keverjük össze az áfonyát a cukorral és a fűszerkeverékkel majd süssük 10-15 percig.
3. Amint kihűlt az áfonya pürésítjük.

A zöldcitrom fagyihoz:
150 ml zöldcitromlé
4 tojássárgája
80 g cukor
250 ml tejszín, hideg

1. Gőz felett verjük habosra a tojássárgájákat a cukorral és a zöldcitromlével, illetve héjával.
2. Verjük legalább 15 percig, amíg igazán habos nem lesz.
3. Verjük fel a tejszínt és keverjük a zöldcitrom krémhez.
4. Adjuk hozzá az áfonyapürét, majd öntsük formákba és tegyük 4 órára a fagyasztóba.
