
Hungarian lángos

Lángos is a deep fried flat bread that is served warm and usually topped with sour cream and grated cheese or garlic butter (a fabulous combination, if you ask me!). Honestly, I have no clue why this treat that's pretty oily & heavy is so popular in summer?! However if you spend the whole day at the lake or swimming pool you sure get hungry and crave something like this, at least if you spent your childhood in Hungary. For sure Hungarian streetfood at its best! Traditonally, this dish was made from leftover bread dough and baked in a brick oven, that's where probably its name dervies from the word láng, which means flame. My lángos is stuffed with sheep milk cheese and herbs (in other words: perfection) - inspired by an old family recipe.




(Yields 8 stuffed lángos)

For the dough:
4 2/3 cup flour plus extra for rolling out
3 medium potatoes
1 1/2 ounces fresh yeast
about 2 cups milk, lukewarm
1 teaspoon sugar
1 1/2 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 1/2 teaspoons salt

For the stuffing:
500 g sheep milk quark (for example bryndza) or ricotta
2 bunches of chives
bunch of dill
salt, if you used ricotta
vegetable oil for frying

1. Boil potatoes and let them cool completely.
2. Crumble yeast and add sugar to 1/2 cup of lukewarm milk and let it stand until the yeast swims on top.
3. Sift flour into a large bowl, add salt and mix well. Finely grate potatoes and add to the flour. Make a mould and pour yeast-milk into it and start to knead the dough together. As soon as the dough starts to get together gradually add more milk and oil and knead it until it all comes together into a ball and you have a soft, but not sticky dough. Dust the top with flour, cover with a cloth and let it stand for an hour or until it has doubled its size.
4. Finely chop herbs and mix it with the sheep milk quark or ricotta. Season with salt if using ricotta. If you use bryndza salt is not necessary as it's a salty fresh cheese.
5. Dust a working surface with flour, cut the dough into 8 equal pieces and shape into balls. Divide filling into 8 portions. Roll out the balls one by one, put filling into the middle, then flip the side of the dough to cover the filling and shape balls again. Carefully roll the stuffed balls out.
6. Fill a frying pan with 2 inches of oil an heat. Once it's hot, fry the stuffed flatbreads over medium heat until golden brown.

Serve with yoghurt or sour cream.


400 g liszt
30 g élesztő
2 közepes burgonya
1 ek napraforgóolaj
5 g só
300 ml langyos tej
csipet cukor
olaj a sütéshez
300 g juhtúró
egy csokor kapor
egy csokor újhagyma

1. A töltelékhez keverjük össze a juhtúrót a finomra vágott kaporral és a karikára vágott újhagymával.
2. Az élesztőt futassuk fel 100 ml langyos tejben egy csipet cukorral. A liszt közepébe csináljunk egy mélyedést és öntsük bele a tejet, a krumplinyomón átnyomott krumplit, az olajat és a sót és gyúrjunk puha tésztát. Hagyjuk kelni körülbelül egy órát.
3. Vágjuk a megkelt tésztát egyforma darabokra, nyújtsuk ki és halmozzuk a tölteléket a közepére, majd a széleket hajtsuk be, mintha egy batyut formáznánk. Nyújtsuk ki a lángost újra, majd süssük ki forró olajban.
