
Blueberry & coconut cake

I am a huge fan of french pastries and there is no such thing as too much butter. Just think about a flaky puff pastry or a gorgeous éclair with a shiny chocolate glaze. When I started blogging back in 2007, yup I am not new to this thing, however I could no longer identify with the look and feel of my old blog Almond Corner, that some of you might remember, I decided to move. So ever since nobody could convince me, neither I was curious enough to try some alternative stuff, not to mention to use sweeteners. However, as I mentioned in my previous post it is all about some sugar free time now - which does not mean no indulgence. Oh no way, that would not be me. So I decided to experiment a bit around, not only to create something sugar free, but also make it low carb - well, even writing that gives me goosebumps. No worries, this blog is not going to turn into some place that follows any kind of diet, so calories and carbs will not disappear. Promise. Once in a while however it is good to take a step back and reduce sugar - I am sure it will not hurt. Honestly, this cake is pretty good, especially topped with a big dollop of heavy cream and fresh blueberries. - why else would I share it?



(25 cm baking form)

85 g coconut flour
65 g coconut flakes
4 eggs
4 1/2 teaspoons of granulated stevia (or sweetener of your choice)
10 g baking powder
300-350 ml milk
200 g blueberries

1. Preheat the oven to 180 °C.
2. Beat egg whites with 1/2 teaspoon of stevia until stiff.
3. Mix together coconut flour, coconut flakes, stevia and baking powder in a bowl.
4. Whisk together the dry ingredients with the milk and egg yolks.
5. Fold eaten beaten egg whites and stir in blueberries.
6. Pour mixture into a buttered baking form and bake for 25-30 minutes.
7. Serve with fresh blueberries and beaten heavy cream.



(25 cm-es sütőforma)

85 g kókuszliszt
65 g kókuszreszelék
4 tojás
4 1/2 teáskanál stevia kristály édesítő (vagy amit használsz)
10 g sütőpor
300-350 ml tej
200 g áfonya

1. Melegítsük elő a sütőt 180 °C-ra.
2. Verjük kemény habbá 1/2 teáskanál steviával a tojásfehérjéket.
3. Keverjük össze a kókuszlisztet, kókuszreszeléket, steviát és a sütőport.
4. Keverjük simára a száraz hozzávalókat tejjel és tojássárgájával.
5. Forgassuk a tésztába a felvert tojásfehérjét és az áfonyát.
6. Öntsük a tésztát kivajazott formába és süssük 25-30 percig.
7. Tálaljuk friss áfonyával és tejszínhabbal.
