Those who used to follow me and my recipes in my old blog might know that this is not my kind of dessert, not at all. Considering that originally you are required to use biscuit mixed with molten butter for the base, oh well, I already was bragging about that in my post about cheesecake. So yeah, dear reader, please do not except the original recipe below. I am not that “molten butter-biscuit” kind of girl. These little cuties have been a gift to a friend who absolutely loves Banoffee. Another thing to confess is that I basically prepared a dulce the leche for the filling, but if you are lazy, oh well then go grab that can of condensed milk and boil it, just do not let me know.
Yields 15 á 10 cm tartelettes
for the pastry:
250 g flour
100 g butter, softened
100 g icing sugar
2 eggs
pinch of salt
for the dulce de leche:
900 ml milk
250 g sugar
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
seeds of 1/2 vanilla pod
3 ripe bananas
300 ml heavy cream
chocolate for garnish
Sift flour into a bowl, then pour it onto a working surface and make a well. Put in the icing sugar, butter and salt. Mix together with your fingertips until it becomes slightly grainy.
Make a well again and add the eggs. Work it together with the flour mixture, until the dough begins to get together. Knead it quickly together so you get a smooth dough.
Form a ball, wrap in plastic wrap and chill for at least 2 hours before using. After that roll out and cover baking forms with the dough, prick with a fork. Preheat the oven to 180°C and blind bake tart shells for about 15 minutes.
For the dulce de leche stir together milk, sugar and baking soda. Bring it to a boil while stirring until the mixture is boiling without foaming. Reduce the heat and let it simmer uncovered for about 1 hour until the milk has caramelized and thickened. Do not forget to stir it occasionally. When the mixture is golden remove from the heat, stir in the vanilla seeds and let it cool. You might not need the whole amount for the pies, just pour the rest into a jar and enjoy later.
Spread a good teaspoon of dulce de leche into the tart shell and top it with banana slices, beaten heavy cream and some chocolate.
15 db 10 cm-es tartelette formához
a tésztához:
250 g liszt
100 g vaj, puha
100 g porcukor
2 tojás
csipet só
Szitáljuk le a lisztet, majd öntsük egy táblára és szitáljuk a közepébe a porcukrot, a sót és a kockára vágott vajat is tegyük bele.
Az ujjhegyeinkkel morzsoljuk szét a vajat a cukorral, majd amint morzsás lesz adjuk hozzá a tojásokat és gyúrjuk simára. Tegyük legalább 2 órára a hűtőbe. Ezután kinyújtuk és kibéleljük vele a formákat, az alját villával megszúrkáljuk. A sütõt melegístük elõ 180°C-ra és 15 perc alatt süssük meg.
Keverjük össze a tejet a cukorral és a sütõporral majd melegítsük forrássig és keverjük addig amíg már nem habzik többet. Ezután hagyjuk alacsony hõmérsékleten lassan, fedõ nèlkül fõni, amíg besûrûsödik és karamellizálódik. Közben ne felejtsük olykor megkeverni. A végén keverjük bele a vaníliat és hagyjuk kihûlni.
Kanalazzunk a piték aljába a dulce de leche krémbõl, rakjunk rá banánszeleteket, felvert tejszínhabot és végül csokoládét.